The Importance of Connecting

I found this poem today as I was going through some recovered files on my computer.  I'm so glad it was saved! I just had to share it with you!A card I created on My Digital Studio.What is a Greeting Card?Author UnknownIt’s a little piece of paperThat tells someone how you care; It can be a ray of sunshine –It can be a wish or prayer.It can simply say, “I love you”Or just say, “I understand”It can be a little visit,Or the clasp of someone’s hand.It can be a word of comfortWhen somebody’s heart is sad,It can be a smile…

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Free MyDigitalStudio Downloads, anyone?

Check out the contest from Stampin' Up! and MyDigitalStudio!We have until October 15, 2011, to come up with some fantabulous creations!  Will you join me? :-)*********************************************Estella Banks
Creativity CoachInspiring, Nurturing, Sharing Creativity

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What’s your manifesto?

Have you ever really given it much thought? A manifesto...what is that? Definition of MANIFESTO: a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer...Origin:  Italian, denunciation, manifest, from manifestare to manifest, from Latin, from manifestus.Isn't that something reserved for people who have strong opinions about stuff?  I'm *just* a creative geek of sorts...and then I see a blog post on Brain Pickings entitled Five Manifestos for Life.  When I first read the post, I was drawn to the Holstee Manifesto (pictured here on the left). It really resonated with me and I even printed it with the…

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